Thursday 11 September 2014

International Missionary Retreat (IMR) Israel 2014 3-2-1 Take off

     This year our family, Ashley Johnston, Clayton, and Lindsey all were able to attend the International Missionary Retreat (IMR) put on by Lynn and Brenda Raburn. The retreat was held in Israel this year so it was an amazing opportunity. Before the retreat started we did the pre-retreat tours before arriving in Jerusalem for the retreat itself.
     Lynn and Brenda brought a team with them to minister to the 20 plus missionary families. Jack Story with MTL Travel worked out all the logistics of the trip. He lined up the shuttles, hotels, tours, everything and he did an amazing job and truly made it an unforgettable trip.  Shawn and Alison Crane lead the worship services and taught the teen class. Jeanean, Jamie, and Heather came from Faith BC, NLR and taught the kids' classes and took care of the younger children during the evening worship services. Brother John Malancon taught the men's sessions during the day covering the history of Jerusalem. Kenya, Dr. Debb, and Brenda taught the ladies classes and Lynn preached the evening services.
     The fellowship that we had with the other missionary families was awesome! Our kids connected with the other missionary kids and we saw them so happy.  That alone would have made the trip a success. We saw so much while we were in Israel and we will never be the same. I thought it would be best to just share the pictures and the places rather than explaining everything and everywhere. You can see it with us get ready for several updates with lots of pictures! 3-2-1 take off...

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